Friday, August 12, 2005

A day consultation

Among the things that struck me in this clinic (Lanang Health Clinic, Sibu) is the number of STD cases which is relatively higher compared to a few health clinics I used to work in West Malaysia. Almost every week I got a referral of such cases either from my MOs or from the neighboring health clinic. The fact that these cases are not confined to the adult but also involving children is extremely alarming.

Recently I saw a 3 year old girl presented with yellowish vaginal discharge which later on confirmed to be N. Gonorrhea infection. I’ve seen a few cases of gonorrhea ophthalmia neonatrum which were diagnosed quite late. Maybe it is high time to have a common policy such as pre-pregnancy Gonorrhea screening and prophylactic eye drop for newborns. This one I’m yet to discuss with my boss and the hospital side.


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